Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Model Citizen"
Fender amplifier built into milk crate base. Heavy metal rocker rides around city triggering hula girls to dance to prolific shredding. Sound track includes Van Halen, Judas Priest, Scorpions, and Ted Nugent.

"Vous Allons"
When activated, riders appear to be moving though landscape.

"Vaya Con Dios"
A relief of a surfer riding a giant wave. The surfer and board are carved out of wood and inlayed into painted vinyl spackling compound.

"Rocking Chair"
Rocking chair made of walnut and dowels with van halen logo burned into backrest.

"exponent drawing"
A representation of a three dimensional form multiplied upon itself until the representation turns back into a 2 dimensional flat space.
"I"ve Got My Standards"
Whole Foods grocery bag with a built in trap door capable of holding 2,000 marbles. This performance object was designed to be enacted upon an unknowing participator. The trap door is triggered once the unknown participator has agreed to hold the grocery bag leaving them with an object spilling marbles throughout a public space.
"point fall"
A structure held in place on a center pin. Once the cord is pulled the structure collapses on the floor.

sketches for a machine never built
"drawing machine"
a scroll of paper is cranked through different angles, creating minimal line drawings.

"cassette loop machine"
A series of walkmen altered to allow a continuous looping of a song by the band Heart off their album Bad Animals. The seven tape decks play the same loop roughly seven seconds apart from each other creating a cacophony of noise. The original track can be heard on the headphones at the right of the piece.

A series of performances enacted upon objects specifically made for a certain task. "Dive", "armthrust", and "fall" operate both as gestural performance and as sculptural remnants of action.

a bell encased in plexi-glass, then hung in a larger box of plexi-glass. When pressed, the doorbell activates the inaudible bell to ring.